Anime poses

Useful Anime Poses For Your Drawings

Learning the basics of drawing anime poses will help you to easily convey your art message. Some of the best anime poses are listed below:

  • Running pose: The most widely used pose in anime. Study different degrees of running like sprinting, jogging for drawing better running poses.
  • The ballet pose: Pose drawn to show the flexibility of character. 
  • The punching pose: Pose drawn to express when a character is punching forward.
  • Throwing pose: This pose is used when the character is throwing something with extreme force.
  • The Gainax stance: Anime pose with arm crossed over chests.
  • The seed pose: Characters with pointing fingers pose.
  • Yamada hands: Anime characters with open palms.
  • The minagawa fade pose: Anime pose that adds drama, mystery, and depth to the scene.
  • The shaft angle pose: Characters tilt their head at a certain angle.
  • Sunrise stance: Anime pose showing someone is locked in a battle with another character.

There are many more variations that can be used to fit your drawing.

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