What Makes Naruto So Special ?

Even though Naruto is not considered as the best anime series ever, it is one of the most popular creations out there.

The bond that Naruto has created with its viewers is something almost unattained by any other manga or anime series yet. What makes Naruto this special? Below are some factors.

Emotional connection: A few episodes into the series, we will start caring for Naruto like our own little brother or son. The series had done justice in expressing and elaborating the emotions of all its characters beautifully.

Awesome characters: All Naruto characters are created with well- developed stories to back their actions. It leaves very little space for plot loopholes and also helps us to make a bond with the character like someone we know.

Life lessons: Each character in Naruto teaches us a lesson with their life. Naruto showed determination and hard work pays off in the end. Might Guy and Rock Lee showed that in-born skills are not necessary to be the strongest ninjas.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that every character who had been in the series had established a bond with its viewer. So, naruto remains popular in our hearts.

Tips to Draw Anime Bento Box Food

It would be surprising to see any anime lover who is not absolutely mesmerized or blown away by anime food. These scenes would have even left you fantasizing about going to Japan just to eat it.

One of the most popular anime food trends is the lunch box or bento box foods. Drawing a bento box lunch is not as hard as you might think. Let’s see how it’s done.

First, draw a rectangular box from any perspective. Add compartments inside it to make it look like a bento box. Make sure that the lines are light enough to be erased off later as we add the foods in it.

Add the outlines of the food. Try to understand the basic shapes of Japanese food like onigiri, sushi, and tamagoyaki among others. They’re mostly combinations of polygons and circles. Don’t forget to add fresh fruits and veggies to your lunch box drawing.

Now add details to the food. Draw leaves of fresh fruits and leafy veggies like kale and celery, seeds of tomatoes and strawberries. Draw some bits of rice popping out of the rice cakes. Once you finish the linework you can color it accordingly. Viola! Your bento box food is ready.

Essential Manga and Anime art supplies that you should have

learn anime drawing

Anime, like any other artwork, needs a few essential art supplies like pencils, pen, and paint brushes among others. Let’s explore some of them.

Paper Pencil for rough linework: Use H, HB, or B pencils, depending on the darkness you desire to have in your work.

Mechanical pencils for precision work: Use varying lead diameter to add depth to your lines.

Pen and ink or marker pens and ball pens: Marker pens are usually the cheaper amateur version of pen and ink. However, even professional artists use markers to give life to their artworks.

Paintbrushes: A lot of artists use brushes for their linework and coloring. A stable hand is mandatory if you dare to use brushes for drawing your outlines.

Inks: Try to use the best quality ink to make your art looks exceptional. You can use Indian ink, drawing ink, or industrial ink.

White ink: These are used to add details and highlights to your drawing. They can also be used to correct inking mistakes.

At the end of the day, all that matters is your desire to draw. Get a piece of paper and a pen and draw your heart out.

The Major Takeaways from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

FMAB best anime series

Almost all the anime stories teach us one lesson or the another. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is one such brilliant anime with phenomenal animation that supports a strong storyline. Here are some things we learn from it.

It teaches us the value of human life. It tells us that you only live once and that lost life cannot be brought back.

Another lesson is about revenge. It tells us that revenge leads to more revenge and will eventually destroy you. 

The third lesson is to protect the ones you love at all costs. Throughout the series, different characters protect their loved ones. It shows how one should strive to protect the ones they care about.

The series also shows us that tears do not make you weak. Emotions are to be expressed and not to be hidden away.

Along with all these, it teaches us that no human is flawless. Trying to get rid of all your flaws will destroy your individuality. It’s more important to embrace your flaws and make it a part of your life. Be unapologetic and be unique.

Ultimately, the most important lesson that FMAB teaches us is to keep moving forward with your life. As long as you’re alive, no matter how hard life treats you, keep moving forward.

5 Tricks to make anything look kawaii

make anything look kawaii

Cute and adorable kawaii drawings are a big trend now. Kawaii means cute in Japanese, and kawaii designs are in no way related to the chibi art style.

The best thing about kawaii drawings is that anyone can make literally anything look kawaii. A few tricks can make your kawaii designs even more adorable.

First and foremost, keep it simple. Try to leave the design as flat as you can without any real features and details. Note that missing ears and noses are the main features of kawaii drawings.

Secondly, use the right colors. Cute color palettes that are pleasant and soft are usually best suited for this purpose. Bright and pastels colors are preferred the most. Thirdly, avoid sharp edges. Make everything round, soft, and cute. Make even scary things look friendly.

The fourth trick is as simple as putting a face on anything that you come across. From fruits to foods to flowers, everything has to convey its emotions through a noseless face.

Fifth and final trick; big head and small body is recommended for the perfect kawaii cuties. Be it an animal or a human, follow these tip to get the most adorable characters that you’ve ever seen.

The Surrealistic World of Satoshi Kon: What You Need to Know

Satoshi kon surrealism anime

Despite passing away a decade ago, Satoshi Kon is one of the most celebrated animators in the world. His creations have been an inspiration to even Hollywood hits like Black Swan and Inception.

His directorial debut, Perfect Blue, was a psychological thriller and his movies are known for continuously switching between fantasy, reality, memory, film, fact, and fiction. Even though his second movie, Millennium Actress, shared a similar plot to perfect blue, it was more like an ode to Japanese cinema.

His third movie, Tokyo Godfathers, is a feel-good movie that discusses issues like homelessness, and family. Kon released his first television series, Paranoia Agent, which was and still is like a puzzle.

Kon’s final work, Paprika, is about a machine that allows one to enter the dreams of others.
The world of surrealism that Kon built within his short life span is unparallelled. His legacy lives through millions of admirers who still follow his works and the world of surrealism he made with conviction.

Steps to Draw an Anime Female Body

Draw anime female body

Imagine messing up the body of your anime character after spending so much time on drawing its head. We all can understand the pain and frustration.

Here are five steps to draw a female anime body.

First, lightly sketch the basic shape of the head on top of the paper, leaving enough space to draw the hair on top and the body below.

Anime female characters are usually 6.5 heads tall. Draw a vertical line down from the top of the head and make markings using head length as the base.

Leave some space for the neck and draw two circles within the first two markings below the head. Join the circles to form an hourglass shape for the torso.

Draw arms starting from either side of the top edge of the torso. Add joints of elbows and wrists aligning with the narrowest part and bottom end of the body, respectively. 

Draw legs from the bottom of the torso to the end of the guides. Add the knees and ankles at four and six heads from the top, respectively.

Add features to the face and draw hands, feet, and clothing to complete your drawing.

Hayao Miyazaki: Why you need to know about him

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki, the creator of international hits like Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle, is commonly considered the world’s best animator. Being an icon of Japanese popular culture, his animation studio, Studio Ghibli, is famous for producing a bunch of the best anime movies of all time.

His fantasy anime Spirited away won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film in 2002 and this animated feature films combine wild fantasy with topics like environmentalism and feminism. His feature films are mostly hand-drawn and use computer animation sparingly.

Miyazaki’s love for aviation is quite evident in most of his movies. His movies do not only speak of human relationships and emotions but also shows the deep bond shared between nature and man. The director’s choice of strong female protagonists was also unusual in anime during that time.

He uses more detailed and fantastic backdrops and simplified yet expressive characters in his movies. Miyazaki’s biggest hits include Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbour Totoro, Howl’s Moving Castle, and much more, which are equally favored both inside and outside Japan.

Entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breath-taking animation in Miyazaki movies make it a must-watch for any aspiring manga artist and anime fanatics. 

Drawing Anime Characters: What Beginners Should Know

anime character drawing beginners

If you are an otaku, you would have tried to recreate your favorite manga characters. Drawing a brand new anime character is not as easy as copying an existing one.

Let’s Discuss some basics of drawing anime characters.

Use construction lines and guides: Be it body or the face of the character, guides help you to set its form and stance.

Draw from large to small: Use rough sketches to plan the whole structure first, rather than starting from the face and building the rest of the body eventually.

Work on Different Elements: Work on different elements of the drawing simultaneously so that mistakes can be noticed easily.

Draw hidden parts too: Some elements of the drawing will be hidden in the final artwork. Do not forget to draw them in your basic sketch. This step helps to maintain the proportion of each element.

Observe: Watch a lot of anime movies and series, read tons of manga, and study the characters and their styles. Observe their face structure, anatomy, clothing, and stance to get inspiration for drawing your anime characters.

Do not hold back your urge to draw anymore. Grab your art supplies and create your character now.

5 Studio Ghibli Movies that you must watch

Studio Ghibli has made its presence known in mainstream cinema with a series of enchanting anime movies. Although most of the Studio Ghibli movies are out of the world, here is a list of 5 movies that are must-watch.

Spirited away: It tells us the story of Chihiro, a young girl trapped in a world of gods, monsters, and magic. The hand-drawn animation in this movie will surely leave you enchanted.

Grave of fireflies: A heart-wrenching story of two siblings caught up in the havoc of a ruthless war. This movie will surely make you break out in tears.

Princess Mononoke: Yet another beautifully animated magical fantasy that tells the story of princess San and prince Ashitaka, and the legends and myths that surround them.

Howl’s Moving Castle: The beautiful story of a wizard named Howl and a small-town girl, Sophie. The magic in the storyline is complemented well by phenomenal animation.

My Neighbor Totoro: It narrates the story of two young girls who befriends the spirit of the forest near their new home. This dreamy and magical movie is perfect to make you relax.