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How To Draw Cute Anime Girl? Here are the steps

Anime drawings are cartoon drawings. The characters are usually “cute” by default. By rearranging the proportions and positioning the facial features, you can make a character look cuter. Some tips for drawing anime girl drawings are given below. Start by drawing the head. Drawings with bigger heads and foreheads with smaller chins make the character…

Anime Hands: Drawing Tips And Instructions You Should Know

Anime drawing is a style of cartoon art that originates from Japan. The key factors which define the style mostly lie in the character’s facial features structure. Some tips for drawing anime hands are given below: Anime hand drawing starts with the palm. The hand at this stage looks like a simple trapezoid. The next step…

How To Draw Anime Characters? Here are some tips

Anime is a popular drawing style that originated in Japan. Drawing anime characters is easy. There are some steps you can follow. To draw anime characters, start drawing an anime head and face. Start drawing an oval and divide it into four sections. While drawing faces, make the oval narrower towards the bottom to draw the…

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