How To Draw Cute Anime Girl? Here are the steps

Anime girl drawings

Anime drawings are cartoon drawings. The characters are usually “cute” by default. By rearranging the proportions and positioning the facial features, you can make a character look cuter.

Some tips for drawing anime girl drawings are given below.

Start by drawing the head. Drawings with bigger heads and foreheads with smaller chins make the character cuter. Next step is to draw the eyes. For a cuter look, place the eyes even lower down than normal. 

Draw the nose between the middle of the face and the bottom of the chin. Draw the ears on the halfway point between the top of the eyes and the chin.

Next step is to draw a mouth. Drawing small mouths makes a cuter look. Draw mouth between the nose and the chin. Give some blush to the character to make a drawing look cuter.

Give some puffy look to the hair and make the character look cuter. Finally, do some coloring and make the character look cuter and beautiful.

Anime Hands: Drawing Tips And Instructions You Should Know

Anime hands

Anime drawing is a style of cartoon art that originates from Japan. The key factors which define the style mostly lie in the character’s facial features structure.

Some tips for drawing anime hands are given below:

Anime hand drawing starts with the palm. The hand at this stage looks like a simple trapezoid. The next step is to draw four fingers. Draw the middle finger as long as possible. Then index and ring fingers a little shorter. The little finger is the shortest and thinnest.

Next step is to draw a thumb. Now the basic anime hand sketch is complete. Now, using clear and dark lines, draw the whole hand to make it clean.

Some tips for drawing anime hands from the sides:

Start with palm, draw palm as light geometric shapes. Next step is to draw fingers, drawing the little finger is more prone to bending than the index finger. Draw a thumb. Finally, using clear and dark lines give a final look to the drawing.

After going through these tips and instructions, try drawing in a variety of poses from different points of view.

4 Tips For a Drawing Crying Anime

crying anime

Including emotions into your anime drawing is important. Since there are many emotions that could come to play, it is important to take a look at each one of them. Keeping that in mind, here are four ways to draw crying anime eyes.

Drawing tearing up anime eyes: Draw the eyes as squint and bottom eyelashes curved inwards. Draw the top eyelashes as less curved inwards with the eyebrows as a slight upside-down curve. Finally draw small teardrops towards the inner part of the eye.

Drawing anime eyes with tears: Draw tears covering entire bottom part of the eye. Draw the tears hanging at edges to look like they are going to spill out.

Drawing crying anime eyes: Draw eyes more squinted and eyebrows closer together. Draw tears from eyes running down the cheek.

Drawing bawling anime eyes: To get a bawling eye, draw eyebrows closer to each other. Draw some wrinkles and a few tears falling near the chin.

Drawing crying anime eyes and tears is not all that complicated as tears can run down in a variety of patterns. Follow these references and draw beautiful drawings.

Anime Hair Shading: Facts You need To Know

Anime hair shading

Anime hair generally comes with large clumps and are shaded without gradients. There are some facts which we need to know before we start with anime hair shading. Some are listed below:

  • Generic shadings are most commonly used. The characters are well lit from most sides. 
  • Try shading with a strong one directional light source.
  • If you are using generalized shading, make them dark enough so that it looks good.  
  • Be careful to note that when you shade too dark, it may look unnatural. When you shade too light, it may not be visible.
  • Drawing the highlights is an important area to note. When shading hair, you can use a white correction pen or white paint to draw the highlights.
  • Anime hairstyles can be simple, gradient, and realistic. The hair highlights can vary depending upon the medium and highlight type you choose as well.

Follow these simple tips and draw beautiful anime characters.

Essential Manga and Anime art supplies that you should have

learn anime drawing

Anime, like any other artwork, needs a few essential art supplies like pencils, pen, and paint brushes among others. Let’s explore some of them.

Paper Pencil for rough linework: Use H, HB, or B pencils, depending on the darkness you desire to have in your work.

Mechanical pencils for precision work: Use varying lead diameter to add depth to your lines.

Pen and ink or marker pens and ball pens: Marker pens are usually the cheaper amateur version of pen and ink. However, even professional artists use markers to give life to their artworks.

Paintbrushes: A lot of artists use brushes for their linework and coloring. A stable hand is mandatory if you dare to use brushes for drawing your outlines.

Inks: Try to use the best quality ink to make your art looks exceptional. You can use Indian ink, drawing ink, or industrial ink.

White ink: These are used to add details and highlights to your drawing. They can also be used to correct inking mistakes.

At the end of the day, all that matters is your desire to draw. Get a piece of paper and a pen and draw your heart out.

Coloring Anime Character: Useful Tips You Should Know

Coloring anime character

Coloring Anime Drawings is a fun thing to do. It breathes life into your drawings and will make it look beautiful as well. Cell shading is the technique usually used in coloring anime characters. In cell shading, there are no gradients used in between shaded and normal areas. 

Some tips for coloring anime character are listed below:

  • Before you start coloring, sketch a clear outline drawing of your anime character. 
  • Start coloring with higher details and then move to smaller details.
  • Find the black areas. Black areas are eyelashes and pupils of the eyes.
  • Be careful to leave reflections in white when doing the pupils.
  • Start filling areas that are completely black or that has the same color as the lines. 
  • Body-color: Simply fill the entire area with one solid color.
  • Hair color: When coloring hair, leave the highlighted area as white.
  • Eye color: Give pupils black and also color the iris. 
  • Mouth color: Give color to mouth excluding the teeth area.
  • Clothes color: Fill with one solid color.

Try out these simple coloring techniques for your anime characters for beautiful drawings.


Steps to Draw an Anime Female Body

Draw anime female body

Imagine messing up the body of your anime character after spending so much time on drawing its head. We all can understand the pain and frustration.

Here are five steps to draw a female anime body.

First, lightly sketch the basic shape of the head on top of the paper, leaving enough space to draw the hair on top and the body below.

Anime female characters are usually 6.5 heads tall. Draw a vertical line down from the top of the head and make markings using head length as the base.

Leave some space for the neck and draw two circles within the first two markings below the head. Join the circles to form an hourglass shape for the torso.

Draw arms starting from either side of the top edge of the torso. Add joints of elbows and wrists aligning with the narrowest part and bottom end of the body, respectively. 

Draw legs from the bottom of the torso to the end of the guides. Add the knees and ankles at four and six heads from the top, respectively.

Add features to the face and draw hands, feet, and clothing to complete your drawing.

5 Studio Ghibli Movies that you must watch

Studio Ghibli has made its presence known in mainstream cinema with a series of enchanting anime movies. Although most of the Studio Ghibli movies are out of the world, here is a list of 5 movies that are must-watch.

Spirited away: It tells us the story of Chihiro, a young girl trapped in a world of gods, monsters, and magic. The hand-drawn animation in this movie will surely leave you enchanted.

Grave of fireflies: A heart-wrenching story of two siblings caught up in the havoc of a ruthless war. This movie will surely make you break out in tears.

Princess Mononoke: Yet another beautifully animated magical fantasy that tells the story of princess San and prince Ashitaka, and the legends and myths that surround them.

Howl’s Moving Castle: The beautiful story of a wizard named Howl and a small-town girl, Sophie. The magic in the storyline is complemented well by phenomenal animation.

My Neighbor Totoro: It narrates the story of two young girls who befriends the spirit of the forest near their new home. This dreamy and magical movie is perfect to make you relax.

How To Draw Male Anime Eyes: 5 Simple Steps

Male anime

Anime eyes are drawn big and exaggerated to show expressions and emotions. There are some easy steps with which one can draw the Male Anime Eyes.

First, sketch the upper and lower lash lines. Male anime eyes are usually drawn narrower. Draw the curves on upper and lower lash lines as slight for not getting a round shape.

Secondly, draw an oval between the lash lines and this will be iris. 

Next, draw a small circle near the top of the oval. The circle can be drawn on any side like left or right. This circle will later look like the light is reflecting off the eye.

Fourth, make a smaller circle near the bottom of the oval on the opposite side. This circle will also look like reflected light while giving shading.

Fifth, draw a smaller oval inside the first one and fill it in to make the pupil. Shade it with a pencil and make it look darker. Finally, shade your eyes. 

Drawing Anime Male Face: Here are some tips

male anime face

Anime characters tend to have large eyes, small noses, and simplified mouths with no lips. Additionally, younger male anime faces are drawn similar to female face drawings.

Older male characters are drawn with longer faces, wider chins, and small eyes meaning that there are a set of general concepts that one needs to know before drawing.

Some guidelines for drawing male anime face are listed below.

  • Start with drawing a circle: Draw a horizontal and vertical line through the center of the circle.
  • Sketching the lower face: Draw a short straight line and a curved line to enclose the mouth. Then outline the ears.
  • Drawing Hair: Sketch hair with a series of curved lines of various lengths. Detail hair with a series of short and curved line drawings.
  • Drawing the eyes: You can detail face drawings of anime character by drawing eyes. Draw three curved lines to get a triangular shape of the eye. Darken the eyelid and between two lines shade the pupil.

Give color to your anime character to look attractive. Follow these simple steps and draw beautiful anime male face characters.